
We are excited that you are seeking Jesus and looking for an opportunity to connect with Him through a church community. We want you to know that you are welcome here at Good Shepherd.


Our entrance is located on 1 Shepherd Court. As you come in the main entrance, the main parking lot is located to the right. There are also a few spaces located to the left. You are welcome to use them if they are available. Handicapped parking (and handicapped ramp) is located on the backside of the church. As you come in the entrance, drive straight, going by the north side of the church, and you will eventually see the handicapped parking on the left. From these handicapped spots, you would enter through door #4. This is the west side of the building. The elevator is located by this door, so anyone needing elevator assistance should use this entrance.

Our other entrance is on the east side of the building (door #1 and #2). The stairs to door #2 are steep and can be slippery during the winter so the stairs will likely be blocked off. Walking from the parking lot, walk past door #2 and then enter through door #1. (Note: door #3, visible from the parking lot, is not used for the general public).

As you come in the doors (#4 or #2), go up the stairs where you will see a common greeting area. There is a Connect Center there, manned by a volunteer who can answer any questions you may have. From this room you will see the entrance to the main sanctuary, where ushers will have bulletins for you.


If you have never participated in a worship service before—do not worry, we will lead you through the process. Our 8:15 am service is more of a traditional worship lead by the organ. It also involves liturgy, where the pastor leads with words of worship and the congregation responds. This is all printed out in a bulletin, given when you enter. It is very easy to follow.

Our 10:45 am service is contemporary.  It is led by a praise team (drums, guitars, and keyboard) and the songs are more contemporary in nature. There is minimal liturgy, and while a bulletin with the basic outline of the service is available, everything you need to see or do is projected upon a screen in the front.

What to wear

Some people dress up. Others come more casual. Come as you are. We are just happy to have you with us.

Children and Babies

We feel that it is very important to have children and babies a part of the worship service. At a very early age they begin to understand what worship is and learn how important it is in our lives. Little children chatter is music to our ears as they see adults around them praising their Lord. If needed, there is a nursery with livestream available. Just ask one of the ushers to show you where it’s located. We also have a curtained section there for nursing moms.


Communion is offered every Sunday. It is a special rite given to the church which also offers forgiveness of sins.  In 1 Corinthians it says,

1 Corinthians 11:27   27  Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord.

Because of this, we believe that a person receiving communion should understand what it is about. All who have had training in the Lord’s supper and share in our profession of the Christian faith are encouraged to partake in Holy Communion. If you are unsure, we recommend speaking to the pastor ahead of time.

We are excited and honored that you are considering Good Shepherd as a possible church to visit. Your presence will bring joy to our hearts. Hope to see you soon!