8th-12th Grade Students
Dig deep into God’s Word and learn what He has to say about our lives. Adult-led, student driven.
Sunday morning at 9:30-10:30AM
Lower Level Youth Room
to grow in your faith
meet other followers of Christ
to get plugged in at Good Shepherd
Youth Group
Activities and servant events to grow in your relationship with God and with others.
Wednesdays at 6:00PM! Click HERE for current schedule.
support the youth group
You can support the efforts of the Good Shepherd Youth Group in the following ways:
Make GoodSearch your browser and every search translates into a penny for Good Shepherd Youth! Look for “Good Shepherd Youth Circles Pines, MN” to credit our Youth Group.
You can help support Good Shepherd Youth by signing up at GoodShop. This website has some amazing deals and each time you use one of their sponsored retailers Good Shepherd's Youth Group receives a percentage of the amount you spent through GoodShop. Make sure you select Good Shepherd Youth when you setup your account. Look for “Good Shepherd Youth
ink cartridge/Little bites packaging collection
Bring in your empty ink cartridges and empty Little Bites packaging.
Our Youth have launched a fundraising project with the help of an inkjet recycling company Empties4Cash. Empty inkjet cartridges can be recycled and re-manufactured. Our group will receive up to $4.00 for each cartridge turned in.
You can help! Any inkjet cartridge with a print head can be recycled, regardless of brand or type. Do you have an HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Compaq, Brother, Dell, Canon, or Apple printer? (Note: Epson cartridges cannot be recycled – they don’t have a print head.) Bring in your empty OEM inkjet cartridges (placed in the original box that you would have thrown away to keep it safe from spills and damages, or a Ziploc bag) to the school.
Save your empty Little Bites wrappers and drop them along with ink cartridges in the bins above the coat rack.