Welcome to our church family!
our mission at Good Shepherd Lutheran church is to:
joyfully worship Jesus Christ, our lord and savior
willingly serve God by serving our families, church and community
intentionally grow in our study of god’s word
purposefully connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ and those in our community
Worship three ways
see previous bulletins/song sheets here.
Opportunities to grow for all ages
Sunday morning
Sunday School - 3yrs-5th - downstairs - 9:30-10:30 (Sept-May) register
Middle School Bible Study - 6th-7th - Conference Room A- 9:30-10:30 (Sept-May) register
Senior High Bible Study - 8th-12th - Youth Room- 9:30-10:30 (Sept-May) register
Pastor-led Bible Study - 9:45-10:30 - Lobby
Tuesday evening
7:00-8:00PM Table talk - fellowship room
wednesday evening (sept-may)
5:30-6:15PM Family meal (on hold for now)
6:00-7:30PM Kids for Christ (K-5th grade) register
6:00-7:30pm confirmation (6th-8th) register
6:00-7:30pm Child care (children 6 weeks old-PreK) register
thursday morning
10:30-11:30PM Table talk - fellowship room
click for Men’s, Women’s, Marriage Study opportunities
who we are
Our church is not a building, it's a people who truly love one another because of the love our Lord has given us.
event calendar
Seek and you will find! There is plenty of opportunity to share time with others people who love follow Jesus and his teachings.